Article I. Name
The name of this association shall be the American Medical Student Association UW-Madison Premedical Chapter
Article II. Purposes
The objective of the Association shall be as follows:
1. To promote the active improvement of medical education
2. To involve its members in the social, moral, and ethical obligations of the profession of medicine
3. To assist in the improvement and understanding of world health problems
4. To contribute to the welfare of all members
5. To work to ensure that our members acknowledge and respect the diversity of society, with diversity including but not limited to differences in age, culture, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, sex, pregnancy, marital status, and parental status
Article III. Membership
1. Eligibility
Students enrolled at the University of Wisconsin who are current affiliate members of national AMSA, or are in the process of applying to national AMSA and have paid national dues shall be considered general members in the AMSA UW-Madison Premedical Chapter. General members who attend seven or more AMSA UW-Madison Premedical Chapter events per semester, three of which must be from three of the following 5 individual categories; service, fundraising, advocacy, social, and outreach as categorized by the active board of trustees, will be considered active members. Members of the above named organization shall be accepted without discrimination on the basis of his or her race, color, creed other than commitment to the beliefs of the organization, religion, national origin, disability, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status or parental status, or, unless exempt under Title IX, sex.
2. Privilege of Membership
All members shall have the right to attend all meetings and participate in all AMSA UW-Madison Premedical Chapter-sponsored activities, but some specific events and benefits may be for active members only or elected board members only, in accordance with the national constitution. (Note: Active members are defined as members who have paid national dues, met attendance requirements, and are in good standing with the organization.)
3. Dues
The membership dues to be a national AMSA member are set by national AMSA officers and are currently set at seventy-five dollars. National membership extends through completion of medical school.
Article IV. Active Status
Members are responsible for attending meetings and AMSA-hosted events. Members will only be considered active for the semester if they have attended seven or more appropriate AMSA-related events during the semester and meet the point category requirements.
1. Revocation of membership
Failure to comply with Article III, Section 3 or Article IV, without having proper consent will result in a revocation of active status and/or board member position.
2. Board Member Obligations
Board members, as voted upon by active members of the AMSA UW-Madison Premedical Chapter, are obligated to pay national AMSA dues and attend all AMSA related events and additional board meetings, as determined by the board members. Absence will only be excused for school related, sports related, or emergency conflict.
(Note: A board member may be removed by the executive board if it is found that they are not contributing to their role or disruptive to the overall success of the organization.)
3. Recommendations
If requested, the AMSA UW-Madison Premedical Chapter will write letters of recommendation to those who are in active status to aid the member in any manner. Overall performance in the AMSA UW-Madison Premedical Chapter will be the deciding factor in giving recommendation.
Article V. Executive Board
1. Titles
The executive board of the AMSA UW-Madison Premedical Chapter shall include: President, Vice President, Director of Program Development, Secretary and Treasurer. The board of trustees shall include, but are not limited to: Communication Trustee, Service Trustee, Social Trustee, Outreach Trustee, Advocacy Trustee, Fundraising Trustee, and Event Trustee.
2. Elections
Members will submit interest forms for executive and trustee positions in mid- to late-March. A ballot will be put together and members will vote online for the executive board. Once the executive board is elected, they will meet to appoint trustee positions. The previous positions may be refilled, created, or terminated based on the status of the organization and ⅔ agreement of the executive board. These positions will be announced at a General Assembly. For the sake of continuity, the first board of executives will remain in office until graduation or leave of absence.
3. Eligibility
Any member of the AMSA UW-Madison Premedical Chapter shall be eligible for election provided that they:
a. Is or will be a member for the national AMSA and is an active member of the AMSA UW-Madison Premedical Chapter.
b. Has adequate knowledge, as determined by the current board of trustees, of the position to which they have applied
4. Vacancies of Offices
If any office shall become vacant, except for the presidency, the president shall, at the earliest possible date thereafter, order a special election for the purposes of filling such office. The active member thus elected shall immediately enter his/her duties and shall hold office until the next regular election. In the event that the office of President is to become vacant, it is expected that the Vice President assume the vacant role immediately. The vacant Vice President role and duties should be supported by the remaining executive board members. However, if a ⅔ vote is met, the vacant role may be filled by an interested executive board member and their role be reelected.
Duties of the Executive Board
The President shall:
1. Preside at all general membership and special meetings
2. Create weekly meeting agendas
3. Facilitate weekly meetings
4. Delegate duties
5. Sign up for the Student Org Fair
6. Follow and update constitution
7. Send and respond to weekly emails
8. Register organization
The Vice president shall:
1. Be an aide to the president
2. Oversee the coordination of all projects and trustees, as pertinent to their specific office
3. Make presentations for general assemblies
4. Assist in recruitment
5. Handle room reservations
6. Serve as chapter delegate for national AMSA
7. Plan and execute tabling (i.e. Student Org Fair)
8. Provide national opportunities
9. Communicate with AMSA presidents from other universities
The Director of Program Development shall:
1. Oversee shadowing and autopsy shadowing programs
2. Plan speakers for GAs
3. Plan the Clinical Simulation GA
The Secretary shall:
1. Record minutes to be open to all members
2. Assist the president with any paperwork
3. Record attendance of the general membership at any events
4. Run elections
5. Manage office hour calendar
The Treasurer shall:
1. Oversee all financial obligations of the organization
2. Present monthly budgets, statements, and tentative schedule of fundraising activities
3. Ensure that local dues are paid and members attend to financial obligations
4. Assist in planning/running events with financial background
5. Order food for meetings
6. Plan and execute fundraisers, once per month
7. Apply for ASM Grants
Trustees shall:
1. Fulfill roles described at the Leadership Summit
*Removal of trustees
A majority or two-thirds vote can remove trustees from office. A replacement may be appointed immediately and elected later. The board will fulfill duties of said trustee until the position has been filled.
Article VI. Meetings
1. Time and Place
There will be at least thirteen general meetings from September through April; board members shall determine the place and time.
2. Types of Meetings
a. General Assemblies
b. Special Meetings
c. Board of Trustee Meetings
Article VII. Finances
The treasurer shall control all finances. There must be a budget each year as proposed by the treasurer. All funds must be spent on organizational purposes only. The transfer of power of controlling all funds shall be done one week after the new officer has been appointed.
Article VIII. External Affiliations
The AMSA UW-Madison Premedical Chapter is affiliated with the national American Medical Student Association. The AMSA UW-Madison Premedical Chapter is governed by AMSA laws and its own. If possible, premedical AMSA chapters will meet with AMSA once a year at the Annual Convention. The American Medical Student Association is located at the following address:
1902 Association Drive
Reston, VA. 20191
Article IX. Amendments
This constitution may be amended at any general membership meeting of the organization by two-thirds vote of the active members present, provided that the amendment proposed had been submitted in writing to the president and posted in a conspicuous location for at least two weeks prior to the meeting. All amendments, additions, and/or deletions to the constitution of the above named organization shall be adopted only after a vote of two-thirds of the members present. One exception to this rule is that at the Leadership Summit each spring, the board of trustees is able to amend the constitution to fit the projected roles of the organization for the following academic year. Additional articles and amendments may be included only if they are in consonance with the University of Wisconsin and AMSA’s regulations and policies.